The Lord has wonderfully blessed Wellspring Baptist Fellowship with opportunities to financially and prayerfully support several missionaries and ministries on an ongoing basis.
To be considered for mission trip financial support, please download the Wellspring Baptist Fellowship Application for Mission Trip Support application.

Ministries supported by Wellspring:
- Alpha House
- Avant
- Bethesda Medical Center, Haiti
- Community Outreach Ministries
- Equipping Leaders International
- Ethnos360
- Exodus Ministries
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Frontiers
- GoSendMe Global
- Greater Europe Mission
- Hopegivers
- International Needs
- International Outreach
- InterVarsity
- Kids Alive International
- Lifesong for Orphans
- Missouri Baptist Convention
- New Day Orphanage
- New Horizons
- Operation Christmas Child
- Polk County Christian School
- Polk County KLIFE
- Sling N Stones
- S.O.A.R.
- Southwest Baptist University Missions
- Straight Up Missions
- United Indian Missions
- WPD Sports
- Wycliffe